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What after NASA's revealing of first Images of the unseen universe? 

MEMO Interview: NASA's Palestinian Engineer Unveils New Projects
NASA's Palestinian Engineer Loay Elbasyouni.(photo source: Loay Elbasyouni)
NASA's Palestinian Engineer Loay Elbasyouni [Loay Elbasyouni]

"Today, we present humanity with a groundbreaking new view of the cosmos from the James Webb Space Telescope – a view the world has never seen before," said NASA Administrator, Bill Nelson. With these words, NASA has announced a new achievment to the world. After decades of waiting, the world see high-resolution color images from the $10bn James Webb Space Telescope, the world's largest and most powerful space telescope. The first image was released on Monday at the White House and the four additional photos released on Tuesday included more cosmic beauty shots. The images are the deepest and highest resolution ever taken of the universe, according to NASA.

"These images make me speechless. It took 30 years and $10 billion; the James Webb Space Telescope has finally released the first image.  Images are incredible, gorgeous filled with information with a large level of detail," Lead Power Electronics in NASA, Loay Elbasyouni, speaks to MEMO.

Elbasyouni clarifies that these images are just the beginning, where the telescope will help scientists study the formation of the universe's earliest galaxies, how they compare to today's galaxies, how our solar system developed and more. "This could help us to recalculate the age of the universe more accurately, which is approximately 13.8 billion years old. Webb will allow astronomers to dig into many more specifics about planetary nebulae." He completes, "It also can detect where there is water and Methane, which are essential for life similar to life on earth. Understanding which molecules are present, and where they lie throughout the shells of gas and dust will help researchers refine their knowledge of these objects."

The development of the world's premier space observatory began in 2004 and, after years of delays, the Webb telescope that was named after NASA's second administrator, James Webb, finally launched on 25 December and now orbits the sun, about 1 million miles from Earth. "We have Hubble, which produces so many gorgeous images of space. But the Webb Telescope is larger and is designed to look deeper into space than the Hubble Space Telescope, so its pictures are more detailed. It also observes in different wavelengths than Hubble, which allows it to see things particularly super distant things that Hubble can't", Elbasyouni explains.

These will be just the first of many images to come from Webb over the next decades, which promises to fundamentally alter the way we understand the cosmos. And it will be the beginning of many surprises and achievements that NASA promises to the people of planet Earth. According to Elbasyouni, NASA works on a lot of different fields to better understand the universe, life, space and further space exploration. "I see myself as a Human firstly, all the work I do is to improve human life as a whole. I work on a lot of projects, I can't discuss in details of the work, but I had the pleasure to visit and see the telescope when it was completely built before it was sent to space," Elbasyouni says.

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Elbasyouni has also revealed many plans and projects whose role is to solve many problems  and benefit humanity in the future. "I am working now on research to solve a problem about transmiting power on the moon. As you may know that we use on Earth a lot of copper wires to transfer energy. The problem is the copper has a heavy weight, so if we want to send rockets with copper to the moon it will cost a lot. Now, I´m trying to solve this problem by doing a wireless power transfer such as Laser technology or microwave technology."

NASA's Palestinian Engineer, Loay Elbasyouni, who grew up in the Gaza Strip and was then selected to be the Electronics Lead for the helicopter which was landed recently on the Red Planet, is hitting the heights with NASA, once again. A few days before, Loay Elbasyouni, together with the Mars helicopter team, was awarded the Collier Trophy in Washington DC on 9 June. Today, NASA reveals the deepest colour image of the universe, to record a new historical achievement. So, what will NASA surprise us with in the coming days? Perhaps this is what Elbasyouni can answer us in his upcoming achievements with the universe exploration programme which will surely not be his last.

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